Whether you are a grower, wholesaler, florist or end user, our flower care products will help to keep your flowers looking good and lasting longer. Better flowers mean happier customers and repeat business. Our range is made up of Chrysal, Floralife and Flos brands. It includes flower food in liquid and powder form, flower food sachets and Quick Dip and various flower specific pre-treatment tablets and liquids. We also have leafshine spray, which shines and protects plant foliage, protective floral sprays, which improve the life of your corsage or wedding flowers and FLOSpac sachets, which are flower life support systems, used to keep flowers fresh.
Whether you are a grower, wholesaler, florist or end user, our flower care products will help to keep your flowers looking good and lasting longer. Better flowers mean happier customers and repeat business. Our range is made up of Chrysal, Floralife and Flos brands. It includes flower food in liquid and powder form, flower food sachets and Quick Dip and various flower specific pre-treatment tablets and liquids. We also have leafshine spray, which shines and protects plant foliage, protective floral sprays, which improve the life of your corsage or wedding flowers and FLOSpac sachets, which are flower life support systems, used to keep flowers fresh.